Been a while

I started this site last year in the interest of providing a home for some wheelchair tennis commentary, then allowed myself to get distracted and haven’t accomplished much with it in the interim. Hopefully now I’m back.

This past summer, I took the steps necessary to become a certified tennis instructor (officially I am a certified Associate Instructor for 11-17 year olds in general tennis, and certified wheelchair tennis coach) by the Professional Tennis Registry.  I now have two students, one of whom is my son who is doing tennis for independent study PE at his high school (the alternative was to do a last year of regular PE, which is not really very useful for someone in a wheelchair).  I’m becoming more active in helping out with clinics and the San Diego Wheelchair Tennis community, and hope to formally become a wheelchair “pro” at our club.  More on that if and when it develops.

We just returned from the Ability 360 Desert Open in Phoenix this past weekend, which was a lot of fun.  I was able to see an end to a particularly long drought of tournament losses.  I hope this is the beginning of more successes.

Stay tuned as I hope to publish more posts.

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